Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Nutrition and Exercise Plan Essay Nutrition and Exercise...

Nutrition and Exercise Plan Dawne’ Wright University of Phoenix SCI/241 High blood pressure is the health problem associated with my body there are certain nutritional needs that needs to be followed to keep the high blood pressure under control. Borderline high blood pressure is 140/90 and mine is always that or high my bottom number is never under 90 and that includes when I take my medicine. High blood pressure runs in my family starting with my aunt down to my grandmother, it affects the body heart, head, and daily life activities. To have high blood pressure means that there is pressure in the arteries that are vessels that carry the blood from the heart to the tissues and organs (Cunha., Marks, 1996). One of the affect that†¦show more content†¦Before 55 men have a greater chance and women are more likely after menopause, high blood pressure also tends to be genetic and runs in the family of most African Americans are at increase for high blood pressure. The goals that have been set for me are to start eating healthy, exercise more re gular, taking medicine on time every day, and look out for fatty foods. To eat healthy a low salt diet is recommended, saturated fat, cholesterol and total fat. Eat fruits and vegetables and low fat milk product, whole grain foods, fish, poultry, and nuts are also good for the diet of controlling the high blood pressure. When staying within the pyramid charts the fruits, grains, and non-fatty diets are as follows, whole grains should be at least six to eight servings a day, vegetables four to five servings, fruits four to five servings. When talking about low fat it should be poultry, lean meats, and fish should be six or fewer servings, nuts, seeds, and beans four to five servings, fats, and oils two to three servings, sweets preferred low fat five or fewer serving and last sodium no more than 2, 300 mg a day (The Dash Diet, 2009). My actions towards my goals have been a little successful with the eating habits I have cut down on salting foods and started to use less salt, but my exercise is basically the same as it was at the time of first starting this class. Eating more vegetables and fruits have also

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